Category: Speech and Language
Time for School Speeches
School speeches can send shivers up your spine even when remembering them from years ago! Speaking in front of other people is one of humanity’s most common fears, stemming from
Language activities for the holidays
Language can be taught with almost anything around us. By talking to your children about the things that you are doing, buying, making or seeing, you are stimulating their
Language development in primary school children aged between 5 and 8 years.
Early language researchers used to think that by the time a child reaches school age their language skills are almost fully developed, but in fact there is enormous growth in all
My Stutter Book
The Stuttering Treatment and Research Trust is releasing a book of art, poems, and essays from Kiwi kids who stutter – to contribute to this year’s International Stuttering
What is typical language development?
A common question asked by parents is “What is typical speech and language development?” Plunket, preschools, kindergartens and school teachers can offer parents a rough guideline