

Contact Name

Zach Sample

What does BEHCA offer?

We are BEHCA: Behaviour, Environment, Health, Collaborative Analysis

Our founder Torri Wright created a support system and behaviour tracking tool based on what she saw ‘missing’ during over 20 years of experience as a behaviour consultant, special education teacher and I/DD advocate.

In short – BEHCA® is a behaviour tracking software that allows care teams to collect data, track across time, log medication, view reports, collaborate in real-time, and compare environment and health variables that may be influencing behaviour.

That said, the first thing that most families and residential caretakers that we support find useful is simply having a single, easy-to-use place to document what is occurring in the lives of those in their care. Not to mention, perhaps for the first time, the ability to make sense out of what the behaviours are communicating.

What BEHCA sell?

  • BEHCA behaviour support tool
  • educational workshops and provider continuing education classes

Who does BEHCA resources support?

We have BEHCA services that are specific to support providers and families of all types and backgrounds, including:

  • Parents, families, foster care homes
  • Group home residential providers
  • Schools – large and small, both specialty support programs and ‘neurotypical’ groups
  • Therapeutic agencies and larger care providers
  • Individuals themselves who wish to better understand the behavioural and environmental triggers in their own lives

Who are BEHCA resources targeted to?

We proudly serve providers and individuals who support individuals of all ages and backgrounds, where better understanding the language of behaviour would mean an improvement in quality of life.

All ages and backgrounds – with special emphasis on those individuals with challenging and complex behaviour, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual and/or developmental disabilities – including foster care/families, residential group homes and larger support communities

How does your resource help children and families?

Tracking behaviours consistently can be a struggle when you can barely deal with the constant waves of challenging behaviour. Behaviours often change and have various ebbs and flows, which can be exhausting to understand how to support. We all want to do what’s best for our children and experience a sense of harmony within our homes.

  • Decode the language of behaviour: Behaviour is a way to communicate different needs, wants, and desires. With BEHCA we begin to observe various meanings through identifying trends and patterns with long-term data collection.
  • Analytics tell the story: BEHCA offers a comparative analysis, looking at all variables influencing behaviour. The dashboard provides graphs and trending behaviour patterns that help qualify the efficiency of interventions and strategies.
  • Invite others to collaborate: BEHCA is designed to be collaborative, allowing you to invite others to observe and track as well. This might include teachers, in-home care providers, or other support professionals.
  • Provide informed documentation: Analytics provide a clear picture of medication side-effects and/or improvement of behaviour with the use of medication. Data informs and justifies correlations between environment and behaviour, resulting in better interventions, increasing quality of life for the individual.

BEHCA special offer to the KidsLink community

To support the Kidslink community – we have created a discount code that can be used when signing up. Simply use ‘kidslink’ as a discount code when creating an account for an extra 10% off any subscription, and thank you for being a part of the positive change so needed in the world today! 

  • Families: Try our behaviour tool for free by simply signing up for a trial on our website –  
  • For residential providers, school or larger care organizations we’d love to talk and discuss how BEHCA may be a beneficial new approach to understanding behaviour for your clients – schedule a time to talk on our website  
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