Motuora Special Needs Unit-Red Beach School

Motuora Special Needs Unit-Red Beach School

The Motuora Unit is full for the next two years

About Us

The Motuora Special Needs Unit has been operating since Red Beach School opened in 1989. Although the government closed special needs units in 1998, the school continues to support the special needs unit and its unique quality it brings to the community. Red Beach School is a high performing school with a very strong vision that is clearly and consistently expressed by staff and students.

Life-long learning is a key element of this vision and both staff and students are actively involved in the core business of learning. The vision “Red Beach School is a community empowering life-long learners to achieve and make a difference” encompasses all that we truly believe in and value and is the cornerstone around which the school functions.

In the unit, our staff consists of 2 full time Teachers and 7-9 part time Teacher Assistants. Our Director has a Master’s of Education with a specialisation in Special Education. Our staff have been working at the school from 1-24 years. Funding for staffing is based on the number of ORS students enrolled at any given time and the level of funding that they receive from the MOE. Our funding is pooled so we can make the most out of the unique mainstream setting, thus providing the opportunity for small group learning, reverse mainstream, and mainstream inclusion.

The Motuora Special Needs Unit at Red Beach School is currently at capacity; however, we do accept expressions of interest for our wait list. Students must have Ongoing Resource Scheme funding (ORS) prior to attending. Our special needs unit is geared towards students aged 5-10 with disabilities. Those living in zone have priority, however, out of zone applications will be considered.

Our learning programmes are individualised and cover the key competencies-relating to others, participation, managing self, and thinking as well as academic learning. We also participate in education outside of the classroom through Riding for Disabled, Splashpad at the Leisure Centre and gymnastics sessions. We join in “all school” activities such as camp, trips, assemblies, and special events. For more information, please email [email protected] or ring Red Beach School 09 426 8915 ext 228.

How you help children

At Red Beach School, all children have access to high quality learning environments and various levels of inclusion based on their needs. Our motto in the unit is “Be safe, have fun and learn!” We help children by catering to their strengths and special interests, providing them with support for learning, physical, medical, and behavioural needs, and lots of celebration when goals are achieved.

Physical environment

Our special needs unit consists of 2 full classroom spaces, 2 smaller classroom spaces, a sensory room, kitchen, computer room, fenced in play area with trampoline and sand pit, equipment and art storage spaces, a full bathroom area complete with a ceiling hoist, shower and changing table, and a quiet room. The unit is secure in that we have a fenced in play area with a child lock and a front door that is monitored by a security pad.

Our parents and the taxis can drive up to the door to drop the children safely. Our learners are eligible to apply for a taxi or conveyance allowance to get to and from school.


We believe our learners have the right to be educated in a safe, nurturing environment as any other child in New Zealand. Our students’ contributions are valued, friendships cherished, and their achievements are celebrated by all. Our staff are well trained, family-oriented individuals who enjoy their work and do their utmost to provide a good experience for each child. We understand that each child has different learning needs which include modification of curriculum, environment and working with trained personnel. We welcome visits to our unit so you can choose what is right for your child.

Please contact Liz Taute at [email protected] or 09 4268915
ext. 228 for further information.


  • Individualised Education Programmes
  • Learning with their peers in the mainstream school
  • Education Outside the Classroom
  • Music Therapy through Raukatauri Music Therapy
  • Specialist Interventions from MOE Specialists
  • Psychologist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Speech Language Therapist
  • Physical Therapist
  • BLENNZ-Blind low vision network
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services


  • Individualised Education Programmes
  • Learning with their peers in the mainstream school
  • Education Outside the Classroom
  • Music Therapy through Raukatauri Music Therapy
  • Specialist Interventions from MOE Specialists
  • Psychologist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Speech Language Therapist
  • Physical Therapist
  • BLENNZ-Blind low vision network
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services