An opportunity for schools to apply for funding or support to assist families and whānau.

Where schools and parents can connect
with the right people
KidsLink provides information, connections and solutions for parents/whānau and schools when kids are experiencing challenges with their learning
- Dyslexia / Dyscalculia (57)
- Exam Tutoring & Prep (25)
- Gifted & Talented (30)
- Handwriting (13)
- Learning Assessments (88)
- Learning Skills (49)
- Maths (38)
- Reading (62)
- Science & Technology (21)
- Special Exam Conditions (20)
- Special Needs (62)
- Special Schools (1)
- Speech Language (38)
- Support Agencies (68)
- Teacher & Parent Education (54)
- Tutoring (18)
- Under 5's Classes (5)
- Writing & Spelling (35)
- Youth Education (38)
Physical Needs
- Allergies (2)
- Auditory Processing (51)
- Bones / Muscles / Joints (8)
- Brain Development / Injury (45)
- Co-ordination & Motor Skills (94)
- Dyspraxia (15)
- Eyesight (30)
- Food & Eating (32)
- Gender Diversity (22)
- Hearing (8)
- Injuries & Rehab (8)
- Posture / Balance / Strength (27)
- Sensory Processing (50)
- Sleep (56)
- Support Agencies (4)
- Teeth (5)
- Toileting (21)
or looking for a specific business name?

We’re working together to grow great kids
E mahi tahi ana tātou ki te whakatupu ake i a tātou tamariki
An opportunity for schools & families to hear experienced speakers on a range of relevant topics.
A range of service providers who are offering PD opportunities for schools.
A range of quality resources to assist parents and schools for learning and development.