We know schools and childcare facilities are looking for presenters that can meet the needs of their students by providing information and knowledge to teachers to help improve the learning outcomes for their students. Schools require information and key messages which will provide an immediate impact for students and teachers in your field of expertise.
Schools are looking for experts who are walking the walk, working with children and teenagers and offering top tips that their staff can use in their classrooms.
Schools are over-whelmed with fragmented information, so we are wanting excellent presenters to add value to our one-stop-shop – KidsLink.co.nz
KidsLink is now providing a direct link between service providers and schools / childcare facilities for Professional Development. Schools can access you directly through our website to facilitate professional development to their staff.
This will enable you to develop relationship with schools and childcare facilities by sharing your expertise and knowledge directly.
KidsLink will create your own individual information page that will outline the information and key messages you will deliver, the types of professional development you offer as well as the opportunity to add video, testimonials and articles to your page. Schools can directly contact you directly from your KidsLink page and we will link your individual page to your own website.