Visique Rototuna Optometrists

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Visique Rototuna Optometrists

About Us

Rototuna Optometrists was built from the ground up in 2006 when the Shopping Centre was established. Owned and operated by local Optometrists Paul Roux and Peter Walker, with over 45 years of combined optometry experience between them. Paul Roux is our resident optometrist originating from South Africa.

He has travelled and worked in the UK and called New Zealand home for the last 20 years.

Paul is very compassionate and takes the time to explain your child’s vision enabling you to understand and recommends the best solution for your child. His attention to detail, empathy and outstanding customer service will provide you with a great experience. As a therapeutically qualified optometrist, he is able to prescribe medications to treat most eye infections.
80% of a child’s learning is visual

Children often accept their vision as ‘normal’ as they do not know any different. They learn to use what they have and often do not show any signs of symptoms. An eye examination is the only way to determine if there are any vision problems.

Many day to day tasks require seeing quickly and using visual information. It’s important to look out for any signs your child may be showing as children may not always tell us they are having a vision problem as they don’t know any different. If your child is showing any of these symptoms or you have any concerns about their vision, get their vision checked as soon as possible.

Signs to look for:

  • Loses their place while reading
  • Gets frequent headaches
  • Confuses small words when reading
  • Holds books closer than normal
  • Avoids close up work
  • Rubbing their eyes a lot
  • Turns or tilts head to use one eye
  • Consistently performs below potential and often, a child’s behaviour can also be a sign.

We recommend every child has an eye examination before starting school, even if they have passed a vision screening test. If your child is a new client under 10 years of age, we recommend a full behavioural assessment. This consists of a 45-minute appointment (often split over two appointments) which involves drops in the eyes which will dilate and relax the focus muscle of the eyes.

If you hold a community services card or your child has a high Health user card, children 15 years and under are entitled to an annual subsidy from Enable. This can be used for examinations, repairs and in most cases, glasses.

Physical environment

We have an open, inviting practice with plenty of free parking available right outside.


You will be greeted by our friendly staff that can assist you. We provide free Wi-Fi in the practice which can often entertain siblings while in the waiting area. Our toy box is always a hit with the little ones.

We have a reputation for clinical excellence, and for spending quality time with customers, which allows our optometrist to understand their customers’ individual needs and to advise them of the best solutions for them.



We are a small team with a range of skills and knowledge. We’re here to help you big or small, whatever you require, we strive to give you the best service and best practice.


Children’s eye examinations and assessments
Behavioural examinations
Orthokeratology and myopia control options
Contact lenses
Eye allergy prescriptions
Irlen Referrals
Amblyopia vision therapy
Cyclo examinations


Children’s eye examinations and assessments
Behavioural examinations
Orthokeratology and myopia control options
Contact lenses
Eye allergy prescriptions
Irlen Referrals
Amblyopia vision therapy
Cyclo examinations