About Braintrain
Esmé Strydom originally trained as a secondary school teacher for languages and soon became interested in students who struggled with spelling. Further study in this area lead to two post-graduate diplomas in learning and behavioural challenges. Esmé has over twenty years of experience as a Resource Teacher Learning and Behaviour in New Zealand. Specialised tutoring experience stretches over thirty years.
As Esmé researched and worked more with the Tomatis® programmes, she became intensely aware of the impact the ear has on memory, motor skills, and visual perception for both adults and children. The interventions used are aimed to integrate these systems to help the person to function at their optimal level.
Esmé believes every person deserves to feel capable and successful – some just need a little more specialised support to achieve this.
How Esmé helps children
Assessment and programmes are designed to help us understand and meet each student’s unique needs. Using a data-based approach gives students of all ability levels confidence in learning, as the programmes ensure success through small steps. Sessions include a variety of activities: computer work, games and movement skills. A short brain break midway through a session helps with refocusing.
Physical environment
The teaching room is in a quiet environment on the North Shore. Parking is available.
The centre has a calm, patient atmosphere that puts the student’s development at the centre of everything we do. Sessions are individual so that students are provided with all the support they require, but parents are welcome to wait in the teaching room if they believe that it will be beneficial.
Everyone can learn and improve functioning if provided with support and a programme that matches the individual needs. Call Esmé today to discuss your child’s needs on 021 039 6679.
- Tomatis ® neurosensory stimulation for attention, communication and learning difficulties.
- Assessments.
- Specialised tutoring for reading, spelling, writing, comprehension
- Movement programmes.
- Cogmed Working Memory Programme.
- Maths tutoring using Numicon.
- Tomatis ® neurosensory stimulation for attention, communication and learning difficulties.
- Assessments.
- Specialised tutoring for reading, spelling, writing, comprehension
- Movement programmes.
- Cogmed Working Memory Programme.
- Maths tutoring using Numicon.
My son has increased confidence, reduced bed wetting and his teacher reported that his maths is improving. Tomatis has helped to improve his auditory processing issues, which were holding him back.
Cogmed has helped J to improve his working memory and impacted positively on maths and spelling.