All posts by: Simon Yock
Making Learning Fun: How to Spark Curiosity in Your Child
As parents, we all hope our kids enjoy learning. It’s not about ticking boxes or getting everything right; it’s about seeing their eyes light up when they discover something new.
The Importance of Early Expert Intervention for Your Child's Learning Issues
Are you noticing your child struggling with learning? Don't wait for the problem to worsen or hope that it will resolve on its own.
Boosting Your Child’s Focus at School
Many children find it challenging to maintain focus in school, which can impact their ability to learn effectively and enjoy their educational experience. Discover effective strategies to help your child improve their concentration in the classroom.
Helping Your Child Manage Anxiety
Anxiety can greatly impact a child's ability to learn and socialise. Discover practical strategies to help your child manage anxiety and find calm.
Understanding Structured Literacy
What is Structured Literacy? Structured literacy is a method of teaching reading and writing that’s clear, organised, and step-by-step. Think of it as a roadmap for language
Boost Your Child's Social Skills by Reducing Screen Time
In today's digital age, kids spend around 7-8 hours a day on screens, which can harm their social skills and emotional well-being. Here’s why and how reducing screen time can make
Nurturing Resilience in Children: Strategies for Parents and Schools
In today's fast-paced world, parents and educators are constantly seeking effective ways to support children's learning and behaviour.
TIPS when Parents Separate
Parenting through a separation can be a hard time for everyone concerned, but for children these changes can cause emotional overwhelm (grief and loss) and lots of uncertainty. Here are a few key messages that you as a parent can use to make a difficult situation better for your child.
Time for School Speeches
School speeches can send shivers up your spine even when remembering them from years ago! Speaking in front of other people is one of humanity’s most common fears, stemming from
Give your kids ‘superpowers’ with these 5 superfoods
Incorporating some of these nutritious foods in your kids’ diets is an easy way to build your child’s resilience, wellbeing and brainpower. Superfoods are essentially just foods