How to engage boys into learning

WOW – what an inspirational afternoon!
We were totally inspired and in fact completely blown away by the ideas and results shared with us by John, Stu and Michael!
Messages received LOUD and CLEAR:
- Boys learn through DOING & physical activities
- Boys love being in the outdoors… in nature and of course, muddy!
- Boys learn best through project based learning & integrated studies
- Boys love a challenge and a level of “perceived” risk
- Boys thrive on teamwork and competition
Boys need:
- Significant relationships with positive male role models
- Opportunities for responsibility and leadership
- Mentors who work alongside them & believe in them
As educators, we need to:
- Help boys learn important life values – self-discipline, integrity, respect and tenacity
- Ensure the wellbeing and development of the WHOLE child
- Cultivate their strengths, talents and potential – think about music, dance, drama, art, performance…
Challenges: are we giving boys the opportunities to…
- Learn through doing and hands-on activities, rather than talking, reading or on a device?
- Have fathers / male role models part of our learning experiences?
- Think about service / giving back / helping others?