About Dynamic Developments NZ
Dynamic Developments NZ is a multi-disciplinary team made up of passionate, local occupational therapists, speech language therapists, physiotherapists and counsellors who specialise in working with children. Jenna Hale is the owner and founder and has years of experience as an OT, both overseas and in the local community. She has brought together experienced therapists who all work to ensure everyone has access to expert intervention and support within their own community. The therapists at Dynamic Developments NZ are available to work with children, young people and their families in Christchurch, Otago, and North Canterbury, so there is one near you.
What do Dynamic Developments NZ do?
The team at Dynamic Developments NZ provide a wide range of services to help children, young people and their families reach their goals. They spend time getting to know your child as a whole human being, in order to properly identify underlying factors impacting their development and progress. They use this information to tailor their treatments and interventions to your child’s specific needs and goals.
Dynamic Developments NZ provide a number of in-depth and comprehensive assessments, that assess children’s sensory, motor and visual skills, along with assessments that focus on children’s social and emotional development. They also offer more focused assessments that look at specific areas of need, including visual perceptual and motor skills and screening for preparedness for school. Full written reports are included with each assessment.
How Dynamic Developments NZ help children?
Following on from the assessments, the team at Dynamic Developments NZ meet with you to go through the reports and to discuss with you how they feel it
will be best to help your child going forward. From their range of interventions and programmes, they will design a programme that implements the recommendations identified in the assessments and from there, will provide specialist and targeted therapy, tailored to your child’s needs. The exact therapy approach will be determined by the strengths and areas of need identified in the assessments and reports, in discussion with you about how best to meet your child’s goals.
The physical environment:
Dynamic Developments NZ are committed to providing excellent child-focused services close to you. They provide services in Southland, Central Lakes, Upper Clutha, Christchurch, Otago and North Canterbury. Assessments and therapy take place in the modern clinic spaces in your area or the team at Dynamic Developments NZ can come to you.
Dynamic Development Occupational Therapy would love you to know:
Dynamic Developments NZ pride themselves on being client centred and ethical therapists and will therefore only take on children they really believe they can support and make a difference for. Their commitment to families who contact
them is that if they are not the right fit for you, they will point you in the right direction and support you with this journey.
Is working with Dynamic Developments NZ right for your child?
Jenna and the team at Dynamic Developments NZ would love to help your child be the best they can be. If you are not sure if they are right for you, they have a cheat sheet you can use to help you make this decision.
You can find the information here at https://www.dynamicdevelopments.nz/ or contact them today for a friendly chat.
- Multidisciplinary Assessment
- Full Comprehensive Assessment
- Comprehensive Sensory Assessment
- Motor Assessment
- Pre-school Screen
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Language Therapy
- Sounds-Writeâ„¢ spelling, reading, writing lessons
- Physiotherapy
- Counselling
- Sensory Integration Therapy
- Gross and Fine Motor Training
- Behavioural Management Plans/Intervention
- School Intervention/Programs
- Emotional Regulation
- Social and Emotional Development
- Language delay
- Stuttering
- Dyslexia
- Structure literacy support
- Autism Spectrum disorder
- Brain injury and fractures
- Developmental delays and disabilities
- Neurological conditions
- Academic Support
- Anxiety and Fear
- Bullying
- Managing Trauma
- Chit Chat group
- Fantastic Fingers
- Jumping monkeys
- The Alert Program
- Growing Resilient Kids
Holiday Programmes:
- One or two weeks during the holidays
- Fun and interactive one day workshops
This is a mobile service.
- Multidisciplinary Assessment
- Full Comprehensive Assessment
- Comprehensive Sensory Assessment
- Motor Assessment
- Pre-school Screen
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Language Therapy
- Sounds-Writeâ„¢ spelling, reading, writing lessons
- Physiotherapy
- Counselling
- Sensory Integration Therapy
- Gross and Fine Motor Training
- Behavioural Management Plans/Intervention
- School Intervention/Programs
- Emotional Regulation
- Social and Emotional Development
- Language delay
- Stuttering
- Dyslexia
- Structure literacy support
- Autism Spectrum disorder
- Brain injury and fractures
- Developmental delays and disabilities
- Neurological conditions
- Academic Support
- Anxiety and Fear
- Bullying
- Managing Trauma
- Chit Chat group
- Fantastic Fingers
- Jumping monkeys
- The Alert Program
- Growing Resilient Kids
Holiday Programmes:
- One or two weeks during the holidays
- Fun and interactive one day workshops
I just wanted to share with everybody just how awesome I think Jenna and Dynamic Development Occupational Therapy Service is! My 6-year-old started seeing Jenna early this year on a regular basis after being diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder. When he first started, he couldn’t hop or do a 2 footed jump properly. His school has just had athletics day and did lots of build up my practicing the events, my 6 year old refused to participate in any of the practices.. On the day though he gave everything 100% and we have just found out he came second in the triple jump! I told him all along that I am so proud of him giving everything a go, but that has just proved all his hard work with Jenna’s help can have amazing results!