Kelly Club NZ – Greenacres

Kelly Club NZ – Greenacres

About Us

Established in 2009, the Kelly Club aims to provide not just “a childcare facility”, but a safe environment where children can have fun and benefit in a number of ways. Our friendly staff are passionate about working with children and are provided with training on behaviour management techniques, first aid, art and craft activities and a range of basic sports skills.

Beforecare and Aftercare

Our Beforecare Programmes offer opportunities for children to choose between a range of art and craft activities, games, Lego, books and free play equipment. Staff will lead a variety of small projects each term. All this leads to preparing children for a busy day of learning. Our Aftercare Programmes are focused around sports, cooking, art and craft activities as well as structured ‘free-time’ after a busy day at school. These activities will be incorporated into themed subjects each week that give children the opportunity to extend their learning outside of the school classroom. There will be set time for children to complete homework should they (or their parents) want homework completed before they are collected. All children on our Aftercare Programmes will be provided with afternoon tea of healthy snacks such as sandwiches, fresh fruit and water.

Holiday Programmes

Kelly Sports and Kelly Club offer 50+ OSCAR Holiday Programmes across New Zealand. Our Holiday Programmes focus on giving children, aged between 5 and 13, the opportunity to do things they enjoy in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment. These programmes are packed with variety to entertain and inspire children. Each Holiday Programme is full of exciting activities and trips that will guarantee your children will have a great time!

Our Facilities

The facilities of a Kelly Club differ between each school but are usually a classroom or hall space on the school grounds. All Kelly Club’s have access to a kitchen and bathrooms as well as the fields or courts to run around outside.

Children are encouraged, educated and entertained during their time on our programmes. We use a professional programme model and have local people take control of the programme, this means Kelly Club programmes best meet the needs of the local community.


  • Before school care
  • After school care
  • Holiday Programmes


  • Before school care
  • After school care
  • Holiday Programmes