About Us
APM Tamariki has a team of highly experienced paediatric therapists, to provide families with options to access assessment and therapy services without the delays of the public system. We know that early identification and the right support are key to enabling kids and young people prosper.
APM’s Paediatric / Tamariki service provides child and family focused therapy for infants, children, and young people. We support children to reach their full potential by being flexible, working with families in their home, community, educational settings, or in clinic.
Our team of therapists are passionate about providing the best evidence-based service to children and families, prioritising ongoing professional development to ensure an innovative and responsive approach. Be assured our team are registered with their professional registration boards, hold current practicing certificates and have vulnerable children’s police checks.
We can help with
Speech and communication:
- First words, speech sound articulation & fluency
- Language difficulties including expressing & understanding language
- Social communication skills for home, school, & community
- Play/social skills
Skills for learning:
- Transition support, incl. ‘School Readiness’ and transition between schools
- Learning abilities: incl. reading, writing & spelling
- Developmental concerns
- Fine motor and pre-writing skills
- Sequencing skills
- Social skills i.e. turn taking, understanding emotions, participation
Life skills:
- Sleep issues
- Personal-care skills, incl. Toileting, dressing, showering, eating and drinking etc
- Independent living skills, incl. cooking, cleaning, work skills
- Fussy eating/dietary needs
- Equipment prescription (toileting/showering/bathing/eating/sleeping)
- Housing modifications
Behaviour andemotional health:
- Behaviour support plans
- Mental health and post trauma support
- Attention difficulties
- Emotional regulation/managing big emotions/anger/anxiety
- Depression and anxiety management
- Sensory processing/regulation
- Sensory profiles
Physical skills:
- Fine and gross motor skills
- Standing and walking
- Posture, balanceand strength
- Coordination and motor skills
- Visual/motor skills
- Equipment for walking/standing/transfers/wheelchairs and buggies
Concussion rehabilitation:
Training/other support services:
- Parenting sessions/Workshops
- Group therapy
- Staff training for schools, early childhood, SENCO and RTBL teams.
Our training packages include:
– Manual Handling
– Sensory processing/regulation
– Behaviour Support
– Mental Health support
Where appropriate, we work with medical teams, schools, early childhood, government agencies and other community supports to ensure we are providing holistic assessment and treatment options for every child we see. When you choose APM, you gain access to highly skilled and experienced paediatric therapists who are dedicated to delivering excellent service.
Our Team includesÂ
- Occupational therapists
- Speech and language therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Nurses
- Psychologists
- Child development coaches
- Dieticians
Contact us today for more information about how we can help
APM NZ Workcare Child Youth Flyer Tamariki
APM Tamariki Service – Occupational Therapy Brochure
Developmental concerns,
Sleep issues,
Sensory processing,
Social/ emotional skills,
Independent living skills,
Fussy eating,
Fine and gross motor skills,
Posture, balance and strength,
Coordination and motor skills,
Trauma informed practice,
Learning and behaviour,
Emotional regulation/ managing big emotions/ anger/ anxiety,
Play/ social skills,
School academics/ handwriting,
Brain injury Cerebral Palsy,
Obsessive compulsive disorder
This is a mobile service.
Developmental concerns,
Sleep issues,
Sensory processing,
Social/ emotional skills,
Independent living skills,
Fussy eating,
Fine and gross motor skills,
Posture, balance and strength,
Coordination and motor skills,
Trauma informed practice,
Learning and behaviour,
Emotional regulation/ managing big emotions/ anger/ anxiety,
Play/ social skills,
School academics/ handwriting,
Brain injury Cerebral Palsy,
Obsessive compulsive disorder