Category: Behaviour
Boost Your Child's Social Skills by Reducing Screen Time
In today's digital age, kids spend around 7-8 hours a day on screens, which can harm their social skills and emotional well-being. Here’s why and how reducing screen time can make
Time Out or Calm Space
Time Out has fallen out of favour, in recent times as some parents feel this is too punitive. CBS uses the word Calm Space instead of ‘Time Out” to communicate that it is not used to be punitive but rather as a way to extinguish challenging behaviours.
Ten Top Tips for Screen Time
Increasingly kids are using screens more and more in their daily lives. As a parent it can be really tricky to know how much is too much and how to keep kids safe on the internet
Telling the kids, you are separating
Separation to any degree is a stressful and emotive time Separation is not just a life-changing event for you and your partner but it is also one for your children. This is no
Born to BE WILD?
If their behaviour is a real concern, it may be time to hit the books If your child is impulsive, fidgety, easily distracted and struggles to concentrate, you may wonder whether
You’re not the boss of me! Children who want to be in charge
“You’re not the boss of me!” Is this a phrase that sounds familiar to you? It is often hurled at a parent, by a miniature rebel, with little fists on hips, body leaning forward,
How does a learning difference affect behaviour?
The first indications that a child is experiencing problems at school can be misbehaviour. Day dreaming, not following instructions, not completing work, fidgeting and being